Sunday, February 15, 2009

Phnom Penh for real

Kathy and I have now been in Phnom Penh slightly short of a week, we're staying in the same hotel I stayed in last time for the month of February, in March we'll move into our new house, an updated French Colonial a mere 3 minute walk from my office. The view from our one-bedroom suite in the Himawari Hotel (think of it as a slightly fancier Residence Inn) is an upgrade from my last posting, we now look out over the Tonle Sap and Mekong rivers, I'll try and post a short video I took from our bedroom window of fisherman seining for small fish early this morning.

The time change seems to have caught up to me this weekend, after a pretty busy week at work which I handled fairly well considering we'd just arrived Monday evening, I find myself dragging around this weekend. Kathy is out with a friend getting a massage, manicure and pedicure which is what recharges her batteries, I'm just up from a 2 hour nap which seemed more likely to recharge mine (that may not have been the right call since I'm still a bit logy).

We have a work plan due to USAID for our whole project, which is creating quite a bit of work for me since to work with our team to come up with a work plan I first have to understand what the project has been doing and we seem to have done (and want to continue to do) a lot of different things. One of my jobs is to put a coherent strategy around those various pieces. On top of which Cambodia is undergoing a lot of changes in their health sector, which seem to be progressing at varying speeds with varying success, to try and understand it all is going to take some time. In the mean time I'm reading a lot of documents. one thing you can always count on development agencies to produce.

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