Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quick Update

Kathy and I are in Beijing on the last day of our trip. Looking at this blog I realize that it has been 2 weeks since I posted, but I guess that means that we've been having a really good time and sitting down at a computer seemed too muck like work.

We managed to score tickets to last Monday's track and field events at the Bird's Nest, and had a great time sitting 18 rows up from the track and at about the 30 yard line (if there had been a football field). We had a great view of the women's pole vault competition where Elena Isinbaeva set a new world record and American Jennifer Stuczynski came in second. Note to all parents of young girls, if you want your child to be extremely fit and good looking to boot, I would encourage them to start pole vaulting. I'm not sure what it is but pole vaulters are hands down the most attractive athletes around. End of sexist remarks...

Anyway, I'll post the rest of the trip after we get home, I took a lot of pictures and we went to some great places (I cannot recommend Luang Prabang, Laos highly enough, the New York Times was right, it may be the best travel destination in the world (at least if you like bucolic, Laos doesn't exactly rock).

Speaking of bucolic, next stop, Luray.

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